Share files confidentially

Uploaded files

You can download this file from our server for free. We check all files with the most modern antiviruses


Getting Started is a free (as in free speech) online service to share files in a confidential way.

  1. If needed you can choose a delay of online availability.
  2. Paste the file to share.
  3. Then share the given link with your contacts.

Your images are encrypted and hosted on our server and we have no means to decrypt them.

If you need help to use this program, here is a video tutorial courtesy of arpinux, a kind guide to newcomers on HandyLinux GNU/Linux distro.

The software is derived from Lufi software created by Luc Didry

Lufi is under the free license AGPL.

The sources of are available on our software forge

This site works very well with Firefox and Chrome, but not well on Safari and not at all on Internet Explorer.

Grow your own

If you want to contribute to development, patch or suggest improvements or simply download, just hop on Development site.

If you wish to install your own instance and be independent from the online service, we can help you on: